
  • 400-8655-895
  • htmed@hutaimed.com

Mechanical design engineer??

Time:2019-09-24 Views:911

? Monthly salary: RMB 6000-8000

? Work place: Hefei
? Release date2016-07-06
? Job nature: Full-time
? Work experience: 5-10 years
? Minimum level: Junior college degree
?Recruiting number: 3
? Job: Mechanical engineer
Tel: 0551-63515586 / 63515686 Contact: Miss Liu
Address: Hefei Industrial Park, west of Wushan flowers Road in Changfeng County

Requirements: Mechanical design and manufacturing of pressure vessels, design of chemical instruments; familiar with machining process technology and strength calculation of pressure vessels; over 5 years of work experience in independent and successful design and development; proficient in use of CAD, Pro/E, UG and other software; junior college degree or above;
working place:
Flowers Avenue west of Changfeng county Wushan Industrial Park

PRE:Production control


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